Kanessa aka Atilenak , a graduate of the Beaux Arts in Brussels , choreographer and freestyler specializing in Afro house , she has devoted herself in recent years to developing her own style . Her Afro fusion style combines smoothness, footwork and groove.
An official dancer with the artist Tayc, she performs on TV and on many stages alongside him, as well as with Ckay.
She is one of the founders of the Umoja festival.
She has won numerous battles and is regularly called upon abroad to give workshops.
Gratis lukket workshop for unge mellem 13 – 18år
Alle pladserne er optaget, men der er holdt 5 pladser til nogen som drømmer om at lære fra Kanessa.
Skriv en privat besked hvis du ønsker en plads.
Dato mandag d.25 september tid 17:30 – 19:00
Det her er et samarbejde mellem Detour Dance Festival og @bornekulturhusamar